Sunday, September 09, 2012

Face painting is always a success at any school event as you can see with this friendly smile.

Two elementary students show which picture was theirs on this display of the colour wheel created by the elementary classes. Each class did a facial expression in a specific colour assigned to them. A colourful display.

One of the students being tested in reading ability to make sure that he is reading at his level and how we can meet his needs. Word walls are found throughout the school in the various classrooms as well as vocabulary of specific subject areas in the MS/HS - math vocab, science vocab and . . .

A neat grade four classroom with eager students. Our Monday morning staff meetings are held in the various classrooms throughout the campus so that the teacher of that classroom can explain the displays in the classroom and the program. We can share our work with each other whether ES, MS or HS.

Family Sports Day - food, fellowship, fun and free :-) Soccer is always the biggest hit. We all played - from pre-k to parents. A great day in His presence - playing joyfully before the face of our God. A beautiful, safe 'SonShine' day. PTL.

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