Monday, November 27, 2006

Before the American Thanksgiving, the student body collected food items for the national workers. There was a competition among the classes who could bring in the greatest amount. The grade six class won! The senior class looked after collecting the food each morning for a two week period. Baskets were purchased and they then distributed the food among the baskets. There were 29 baskets :-)

Here the food was sorted and put into the various baskets, which were more than overflowing! This was accomplished by the senior students and some willing mothers to give a helping hand. It was interesting to see the nationals take this gift home - one worker put it all in his wheel barrow and walked home with his treasure. The baskets all contained cooking oil, rice, flour, spaghetti, canned beans and other vegetables.

This past Wednesday, at our weekly chapel, most of the national workers were called into the gathering to thank them for their services. Junior Vixamar, our Haitian computer technician, led the assembly with words of thanks and praise for their faithful services. He also led us in prayer, thanking God for His faithfulness and goodness that we were able to show our appreciation to the nationals with these gifts. Together we truly serve a faithful God no matter where we are planted - whether in Haiti, or USA or Canada. Everyday needs to be a day of thanks giving. Each day needs to be a day of thanksliving.

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