Sunday, April 08, 2007

Early this Easter morning, Ad deBlaeij picked us up for the 6:00 A.M. Sonrise Service on top of the mountain called Boutillier. Members from two churches came together to proclaim that the Lord had risen indeed! Although His Sonshine was very evident on the lockout point, the city of Port-au-Prince can be seen in the mist below. On behalf of His people, Howard Van Dam prayed for the city below and all of the people of Haiti - that the Light of His Sonshine may penetrate into their hearts.

The view from the mountain top was spectacular. We could see the city below as the Sonlight penetrated the mist that was covering the city. We need to return to this place again on a clear day and just see the city sprawled below. On this mountain are located many communication towers. After the service, the Van Dam family and the DeKoters enjoyed breakfast at the de Blaeij's home, which is located within 10 minutes of this site.

Where ever we are, we can see the beauty of Haiti. Growing on the hillside of the observation area were these beautiful flowers, and one could even see the water droplets on the flowers and the leaves. We serve a mighty Creator God, who not only redeemed His people by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, but who continues to take care of His Creation by His wondrous and mighty creational laws.

After the hearty breakfast and good fellowship, were were in time to worship with God's people at the regular church service. Upon entry, the worshippers were given a flower to put on the cross which was at the front of the church. The prayer concerns of the people, which were written on small notepaper, and stuck on the cross during the Lenten season were burned at the early worship service. We praise God for the new life we have serving our Risen Saviour. He has risen indeed!

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