Saturday, April 21, 2007

Fellowship is an important ingredient at Quisqueya Christian School. On Saturday the Parent Action Committee hosted a Sports Barbeque from 10 AM - 3PM. The tether line was what the children enjoyed the most, travelling from the second story of the elementary building to a tree in front of the administration building. What a ride!

There was a hula hoop contest and the elementary students did very well. There were three contestants left and this was all after 10 minutes. The soccer players were getting restless and a three way tie was declared for the elementary participants.

Yes we also had lots of food. There were hamburgers, hot dogs and various dishes represented by parents who had given recipes for the school cook book. This way the people could try the food before they bought the QCS cookbook. One way to have a lot of people attend is to have free food. The school family was well represented at this event.

We praise the Lord for a day with lots of Sonshine and no rain. The picnic area or 'school cafeteria' had lots of shade provided by the trees. The new picnic tables were delivered just in time for this event. Their unusual construction made it possible for 8 adults to sit at the table and the seats would not bend under the weight. Evidence on the blue table shows that it was warm and we needed to drink a lot of liquids. It was a great day :-)

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