Saturday, April 28, 2007

On our weekly walks to the Eagle supermarket, we used to pass by a garbage heap along side of the road. Eventually the garbage truck would come by and remove the trash and the people would dump their garbage once again. On Delmas, the city has placed these metal containers on wheels with a ramp. All the garbage may be thrown into these containers. They do not have weekly garbage removal from the homes. Weekly, the trucks come by and back up to the ramps and remove all the garbage. A great improvement!

Each Friday morning, Mary, Katie Galloway and Ruth VanDam do their weekly grocery run, which includes Boca Moca, a coffee house, which is as good as Starbucks :-) This was the last time for Katie, the lady in the middle, since she and her children are leaving Haiti this Thursday. Her husband, the Bible teacher in the High School, will follow her when the school year is finished. They are the family living above us in the upstairs apartment. I will certainly miss their musical talents and his chapel talks with the Midle School and High School students each Wednesday morning.

The ladies weekly run also includes the market in Petionville. The vendors just line the streets with their wares for sale including the fruits and vegetables. The Friday market greatly impedes the traffic. Here Ruth is smelling a pineapple to see if it is ripe. To see if a pineapple is ripe, you have to be able to smell 'pineapple' scent. Another way to tell, you pull at the innermost leaves at the top and if they come out easy, the pineapple is ready to eat.

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