Sunday, August 26, 2007

Back on the farm, with the motor home parked on the Dieleman grass, we heard the noise of a helicopter early one morning. Ten minutes later, we heard it again. Camera in hand I investigated and just on the other side of Mark's corn field, see what I found - a crop sprayer without wheels. An interesting sight early in the morning. The grandchildren were excited to see the helicopter out of their living room window.

Mary and I arrived back home in Haiti just a week ago. We thank God for His timing that we were able to attend my mom's funeral. Last Sunday the school staff got together to sing praises to the Lord our God and fellowship together. There is no better way than to start the new year in fellowship with our God, asking for wisdom and strengthening powers and His presence each and every day.

Our time of worship together was led by these musicans who also lead the worship services of the church that uses our chapel on Sunday mornings. Their presence with their musical talent added greatly to our singing that Sonday evening. We thank Him for the gifts He bestows and how His people willingly share those gifts.

Last minute school preparations - water trucks bringing 3000 gallons of water per load to add to the school's cisterns. It is a tight fit through the school gates, especially when a tap-tap is parked just opposite the school gate. The driver needed help to find the driver of the tap-tap who is blocking the way so he could get out, he couldn't make the sharp turn. Some Haitian schools have already started and the rest start on Monday. It will be an interesting day since the tap-taps will be on strike on Monday and Tuesday.

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