Sunday, September 24, 2006

We walked to a school parents' house near the location of the staff retreat and were caught in a torrential downpour. Yet God's presence was made known to us when He showered also with His light during the storm. In all of our situations, in joy and in sorrow, our God makes His presence known if we but have the eyes to see Him.
Out for stroll on the Saturday afternoon, during our free time. This was the road that went past the conference grounds. To reach the place of the staff retreat, we traveled on roads like these for approximately one hour. We never did get out of second gear :-)
This was the scene out of our lodge room at the conference grounds, seeing the grandeur of our reator God. We were on the mountain tops of approxiamtely 3,000 feet and we could see the harbour of Port-au-Prince below. At times we were totally enveloped in clouds. I didn't know that clouds could move that fast.
Our room was the left one you see on this building. This was taken from the restaurant below where we had all our meals. The two places were connected by a trail with a lot of stone steps - a real calorie burner - which was needed after the excellent meals.
This is most of the staff and their families after our church service on Sunday morning. The guest speaker for the days was pastor Garth from Saskatchewan, a former pastor of Quisqueya Chapel who spent five years serving the God's people here in Haiti.

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