Sunday, November 16, 2008

A break along the way to our retreat last weekend. We were to leave at 5 AM but one of the vehicles had a flat tire. The city traffic here is like any other major city - traffic jams. Leaving 20 minutes later could mean that the traveling time would increase more than an hour. Ruth had coffee for all :-)

I was aboard the luggage boat - the slow boat to Cow Island where Abaka Bay - the resort is located. It was an enjoyable 40 minute ride. A great time to get a sun burn. The waves were gentle and so only part of me became wet, but the luggage was dry.

Karen and Randy were our song leaders for the retreat. They did an excellent job. They also worked with the children after we opened each session in songs. They focussed on the catechism and the children enjoyed their teaching style.
Our times of gathering were open air services. The group was small, a total of twenty, including the women and children :-) When Pastor Case led the sessions, the children were led by Karen and Randy. And the survey says - we all enjoyed the sessions, the resort, the retreat and we would love to come back :-)
This is the new road created through the mountain. After the storms the lake in this vacinity rose and is still rising, covering the only highway to the main cities in the south west corner of the island. The new road is a major construction effort in any country but to have it done in Haiti in such as short time - is a miracle. A company from the DR is in charge of the construction.

This is the view from the balcony of our room. WoW! The place is a total get away. No locals trying to sell you their wares, nor other forms of motorized sports. Very relaxing, enjoying the beauty of God's creation.
A picture is worth a thousand words - the sunsets were breath taking each night. We serve an awesome Creator God.

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