Sunday, February 08, 2009

During the month of January, the staff went to an organization called Double Harvest. This is an agricultural project which employs many Haitians, has a school, a hospital and acres of good farmland. It is also a nursery for plants and trees. Many of the trees are being used for reforestation. The plants are being sold to merchants and to those who come and visit their site. Impressive! We even saw a John Deere tractor plowing in the fields!

Once upon a time, this was a water reservoir. Since Double Harvest has good wells for irrigation, the reservoir was turned into a fish farm. There was a group present the day we visited constructing a permanent structure, more modern to grow the fish for harvesting. The contraption seen here is for aeration.

We also visited an orphange that day and a medical center beside it. The orphanage was from Christian Services International as was the medical center. The all girls orphanage was not a real orphange since none of the girls are open for adoption. The girls will be raised and educated here, in both modern and traditional ways to make a difference among their own people. At the clinic center, I thought that this was an interesting sign.

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