Sunday, March 15, 2009

During her weekly ravine clinic walk, Mary saw that the women had already completed their morning wash. Their wash was hung out to dry on the steel structure of the hydro towers - a Canadian term - the power line towers that run through the ravine. Looking closer you can also see the chacoal used by many to cook their meals.

Practicing. And practice makes perfect. Wherever you go you can see the people carry their produce, their sales ware, whether cases of pop, vegetables, flowers, water in plastic bags, etc. These small children in the ravine are enjoying the practicing.

This past Friday was the last school day of the quarter. Report cards will be handed out at the parent teacher conferences next Friday. After I taught my Geometry class in the high school building I met these students who had created these hats during their class. I think they had a change of pace and celebrated the end of the third quarter. They were certainly enjoying the attention received by other staff and students alike.

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