Saturday, March 21, 2009

This picture is taken from the school board room, to the school apartment across the street. You can see the writing on the wall stating that the wall must be moved 2.5 metres from the street curb. The same writing is on the school wall stating the same. As soon as all the estimates of costs to move the wall are in, the construction will begin. The wall by our apartment is more than 20 feet high!

Traveling through the ravine each Monday, Mary meets the children. Technology is great because after the picture is taken, she shows the children the picture. For some of the children it is the first time they have seen themselves on a photo. Mirrors would be an item these children would not experience. They recognize their friends in the picture but are puzzled when they look at themselves.

This baby had a real bad case of impetigo. The mom had been treating it with some kind of sulphur mixture. We advised her how to wash this area twice a day. We also put the child on some medicine to help clear up the infection.

On the walk towards the ravine, hundreds of merchants sit along the road selling thir wares trying to make a living. The road is narrow, just wide enough for a one way flow of traffic. It is always interesting to see what happens when opposing traffic comes along. Usually the larger vehicle wins, but many times it is so narrow that not even a big truck can get through. Then some of the ladies/men have to pick up their stuff and move back so the vehicle can pass. An ongoing problem with hundreds of thousands of merchants lining the sidewalks and sided of the street all the time.
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